Distance Healing: Moving Beyond Space and Time


Have you heard of distance healing?

Skeptical about how it could work?

Curious about what it will feel or look like?

Over the years I have witnessed what some people would call miraculous events, things that others may describe as “weird”, “crazy”, or “intense”.  And at this point, I have come to realize that THIS is my path now.

I am comfortable working with what is not seen because I know that although we cannot see Reiki, we do indeed feel it. In LDH sessions conducted over the phone or internet, I will commonly have clients who will ask me where I am on their body; in response, they often share their excitement and awe when I confirm that my location was where they were feeling sensation. Often, LDH will affirm the connection my client has to their body and intuitive awareness. And on a bigger picture, LDH and connectivity further spread the awareness that we have the potential to all be connected.

We do not have to feel alone.

Samareh Jones