Chakra Sound Healing & Mantra

Sound Healing can be used as a tool for many different things: down regulation, activation, journeying, shifting brainwave states, re-patterning, etc. This particular sound bath was curated to take you on a sound journey and activate your Heart, Solar Plexus, Sacral, and Root Chakras through tone and mantra.

How to use this video

You can listen to this through a good speaker system or using headphones. Before you lay down or settle yourself into position to receive, make sure you test the sound and get its volume just right for your ears.

How you choose to position your body is up to you:

  • I suggest laying down and having props and supports under your knees and neck, and my favourite prop is folding a blanket or sheet long ways and rolling it up like a snake and tucking that on each side of my body, so I am held in space

  • Others may prefer to experience this is seated position/lotus, with rolled up towels under your knees or a meditation sling, with a free spine or support behind your back

  • Or make a deluxe experience for yourself and draw a bath, settle in and journey -And, finally, I always suggest having a journal and pen at hand following your experience, so you can reflect and record anything that surfaced for you or has landed in a powerful way.

If you have personal practices in setting sacred space, I invite you to set up your space intentionally as well. The more energy we put into our space, ritual, ceremony, and experience, the more we will receive (sometimes even tenfold)

Questions & Curiosities

Sound Healing can be quite a profound experience, and sometimes it can feel triggering and raise sensations and feelings around irritation, anger, frustration, sadness. So, if sound baths trigger anxiety or restlessness within you, this can be normal as well.

If you have questions or want to share parts from your experience, please feel free to reach out via email me - - and I will respond to you in a timely manner.

Enjoy the Journey!

Samareh Jones