Welcome to The Goddess Healing Grove

As a channel for Spirit, various ways of healing can be revealed to us.
Within the Grove, we explore ceremony & ritual work, energy medicine, intentional movement & sound healing.

“I was drawn to Natasha from a group session, and I couldn’t explain it, but I felt called to make an appointment with her. My first meeting with Natasha was not at all what I expected. I felt movement in my physical body as well as energetic movement. I was quite ill after, I physically reacted in a very powerful way. Tears followed, and didn’t stop for a few days, as I am not a cryer, I was pretty shaken by the experience. I found myself honestly dealing with some old origin story work, although I thought I had through years of therapy. I had one follow up session and was comforted with such clarity with regards to letting go of past and current challenges. I am lighter - physically and emotionally. I believe with certainty that Natasha has an authentic gift.”